Game Update v1.83 [February 2025]

It appears that the new pack dynamics are back on for at least ZRL and New York. Can you confirm who is testing what and if there is a way to avoid it?

They are not good.


On Monday there was extreme draft seeking behavior to the point that riders going through sparse groups looked like they were ski racing in a slalom event in Richmond. Didn’t see the constant group splits with Yumi there though. On the Alpe it was the usual weird line choice hugging the yellow line etc. as we’ve gotten used to

Sure would be nice if there was communication on PD5


Fantastic upgrade for Mac users. Thank you! Worked beautifully on my M1 Max. Makes the worlds noticeably more engaging. Can’t wait to try new version in Neokyo


So now at the end of a race Zwift will automatically save a 15 second video!?:thinking:

You should be able to turn the video saving option off.

Hey @sir_Bobo , we released a video screenshots feature last year. Like normal screenshots, it will capture notable moments during your rides. You can also manually capture a video using the action bar or Zwift Companion. At the end of your ride, they will show and you can select which ones to upload to third parties like Strava. Like @Dan_Kothlow mentions, you can also turn this off in the game settings.

You can learn more about the feature here: All About Video Screenshots: How To Record and Use Video Snippets in Zwift | Zwift Insider

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Everyone please note.

They were definitely on mate… By the time I hit the front of the group I had no speed with the new overtaking mechanism! Slipping back into the group was the reverse, had to wait until everyone was past to kick the speed up. Definitely will take some learning!

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Alpe is also silly for the steering behaviour - no point having draft seeking and overriding my steering line at 16km/h or less.

Also noted strange group splitting / echelons when I was with the Jacques group on the way to Alpe du Zwift climb.

Two times I was parked behind another rider who was separated from the main Jacques group and had to force past that rider.

I know this is supposed to make racing exciting, but what’s with the steering on Alpe and those strange splits in the groups?

That’s probably deliberate to slow down groups.

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The funniest part is that if you stop pedalling near the back you move up the group

PD5 is definitely active on Tour de Zwift stage 5. I rode both the long and standard routes and noticed some strange behavior. People were asking what was going on, with one person even suggesting that Zwift had introduced Echelons! It would be great if PD5 could be removed from Tour de Zwift, as it’s already annoying enough to deal with in the Robo Pacers

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Yip Michael there still mucking things up with pd5 but zwift say it’s fine I’ve had enough going elsewhere

50minute ride in Zwift’s flagship event.

  • PD5 is clearly on so I needed to fight to stay in the pack.
  • Steering broke (putting me into the barrier), registering a permanent input of “left”
  • Coffee stop lost when removing steering device
  • stuck on the left without steering connected
  • several riders glitched coffee stop doing 60kmh uphill but then stopping

“Cracked the code” or “the code cracked”.


the white Tron is covered with the black skin now ~ congrats

:sob::weary: this aint good

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Awesome! Looks great

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Thanks for the report @Dan_Boyd , I’ve called this out to the team and we’re looking into a fix for an upcoming release.

Hi everyone - please note 1.83.2 phased roll out to Android/ iOS / tvOS has started, with PC / Mac to follow later today.

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Rode this morning with my M2Max MacBook and external monitor. The update came down just before I rode. I noticed afterwards on Zwiftilizer that I had the Ultra profile. What a nice surprise. Thank you!

Please note, 1.83.2 has begun rollout to Mac / PC.

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