Exploit found which can lead cheating

No, @shooj, you have misread your own terms of service. The section quoted begins, “use our platform…” @Luciano_Pollastri_ZE did not use your platform to provide information. He used wordpress. Or are you now claiming that wordpress is your platform?

Publishing information about your platform is not, in itself, a violation of your terms of service. You are going to have to do better than that.


Luciano, many of us standing with you. This is a bad management of the issue by Zwift, suspending you solves nothing, but raises further concerns. they should disable the option you’ve explained while one is riding. User data modification while session active should be forbidden!


So the usual piss poor management of an issue which blown into their faces… /s Good to see there are constants in this world after all /s off :smiley:


Having a social media account meant little to none if its there and the owner took no effort to connect, listen, understand, collaborate for a solution.

Zwift has been having it easy with us the “Jarvis Old Guards” firmly in support of the community which took the heat off their backs to ‘manage’ new members and get them into the system (post 2020 was busy for all the clubs with new influxes). Yet on racing scene hardly much has been introduced to make it water-tight against gaming the results through exploits highlighted repeatedly. There is money and manpower resources at their disposal to make things better and yet the current state of affairs remained just as shambolic.

Even to whistle-blow and being penalised with some TOS… its baffling as you cannot angle it correctly the intent. That is not how corporates work because I run compliance programs at work. You have to make a clear beeline who is working with or against you on merit of the situation, not shovel any disruption under the soil and keep up a dandy shop front.

So what’s their intent with the company? Is this another VC riping up for sale with key focus on acquisition? If you want sustainability, get your product right or at least show us effort not lipservices… getting tired of it.

BTW give back the guy his account. Fullstop.


You’re absolutely right. Banning someone not for their use of the platform but for how they write about it is plain censorship and bullying.

IMHO all the different exploits and cheats should be completely out in the open for everyone to read about. Only that way we as customers and users can know what to look out for, what to report, and only that way can we see if and when ZHQ acts appropriately and proportionally to the level of threat from each exploit and cheat. Transparency is needed.



Pretty surprised to have seen absolutely nothing from ZHQ on this overnight. Ignoring something kicking off on the forum isn’t new, but I’d have thought the mainstream cycling press coverage might elicit some sort of response. Are we to assume they are standing by their decision to ban?


I simply don’t understand why ZHQ doesn’t make an effort to increase transparency and in general communicate more about both the good and the bad. It is much better to control the narrative and build trust with the community than what we experience with ‘maintenancing’, banning, and forum threads about bugs and issues being pruned/removed.


Are we assuming they are standing by their decision to ban?”

This is what I believe, despite the hopes of many prominent Zwift community members I have been reading in this thread

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Ironically , how can we (users of the platform) act as policemen and/or informants for these cheats ( as Zwift tried to offload this ) If we didn’t even know about them in the first place !

The situation @shooj is beyond untenable at the moment ( I hope as well as acting for your companies spokes person to us , you are also acting as our spokesperson to the company) . This is not just a small skirmish on the forum . This is genuine moment of truth time, if Zwift cant be trusted and don’t want to operate and support there platform securely and address these sorts of things but prefer to just hide issues away and use censorship as a method of control , that just wont cut it . Nation states dont have that level of control of the narrative, Zwift you certainly dont, Grow up please or i for one am out …


For even making a post about cheating in general, I accused no one & didn’t mention the methods, just expressed my disgust at cheaters - I received a backlash from the usual keyboard warriors about being a crybaby & I’m just looking for something to blame for being such a poor rider etc etc & then I got suspended by the admins on the group. I got called a “**** ■■■■” in the comments and I’m the one that got suspended for expressing my distaste for cheaters in general & what I think about them. Apparently it’s easier to actually cheat & get away with it than to call it out :man_shrugging:


Here’s the thing about your third point.

I weigh before every zwift session.
Usually that means every day kr every 2 days.
I can be +/- over 1kg.

Your option would actually stop me from riding my actual weight.

I know others don’t weigh as often, but I try to be as accurate as possible. We shouldn’t be preventing people like me.from being honest because some other guys are cheating with it.

I dont understand how it would prevent you doing that .

I dont think the OP stated a value but for arguments sake say it was set at 5% and/or 10KG .

That would only affect a genuine use case of users who have had body part amputation.
Something tells me those users probably aren’t going to be Zwifting on that day.

Firstly, ok 10kg for a week is probably an acceptable limit.

Secondly, isn’t the solution simple and incredibly easy?

just to have a cooldown period?

If you change your metrics you have something like 2 minutes to correct any errors, then are locked at those metrics for 24 hours.

The only way that weight and height don’t get logged at ZP is by DNFing any ZP events for that 24hr period.

Riders could still use the exploit at the start but they would easily be caught and better still - named and shamed easily by ZP profile.

Increased transparency rather then “we’ve known about it and banned people, you just don’t know them because they go to another school” kind of response.

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Except names and profile icons,

My TTT team have been having great fun picking a theme and riding as funny names and avatars for weeks now, but I don"t fancy being stuck as “world champion clint sheepwood” after “world champs week” for days on end :rofl:

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Zwift is that worried about this info that they were forced to ban some paying user.

So I guess this highly concerning exploit has been already closed up, right?



They’re desperately hoping nobody mentions it during the Worlds this weekend. Because that would be really embarrassing.

Probably start looking into it next week.


They might think that transparency undermines whatever confidence there is in the trustworthiness of the system when it comes to racing. My hunch is that there are problems here and there including architectural ones that can’t be solved as easily as temporarily disabling profile updates from Companion (really, implement it already, every day that goes without addressing this yet again makes it abundantly clear where racing is on Zwift’s list of priorities), starting from something as fundamental as rider positions and as a consequence race results.

I guess the good news is that the ZRL season is just about to end so many people will now have time to explore other options…


So you say that if someone (not me ofc) would watch the Worlds live (same, not me) and in the chat would bring up the question if riders are changing their weight during the event (again, not me) because that is an open possibility right now to cheat and get away with it, that would be a bad influence? (Seriously it wouldn’t be me. Pinky promise!) :smiley:

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thank you!

#freeme :slight_smile: