Event Share Bug

I’ve noted this on the club’s section also.

The share function is broke on Android companion.

Pressing 3 dots then share hangs or closes the companion app.

You get a quick message on screen saying please wait then it crashes.


  1. Open event on companion
  2. Press 3 dots top right
  3. Press share

Short pause with “please wait, preparing for sharing…” then companion quits or restarts.

Android OS: 11
Device: Samsung Galaxy NOTE 10+

I have forced stop on app and cleared cache. Restarted phone, reinstalled app.


Hi Richie,

I am on Android OS 11 also, and it works fine here. Can you share from other apps? Have you tried on another device?

Other apps working fine, don’t have another device to try

Just tested on my gf’s Samsung S21, and also works fine…

Very strange, trying to think what I’ve changed or installed recently.