Event Organisers - European DST

Any organisers reading this that would like to make any changes to their event times, as a result of the upcoming time zone changes (that I haven’t already spoken to), please contact me directly.


Great initiative, James. :+1:
It would be wonderful if the promised end to DST was finally realised, but, in the meantime this kind of tedious prep- and rejig work still needs to be done, but so often isn’t. Good on you.

There’s also similar messages in the (ssshh) event organisers board and on Facebook.

We’re putting together as development proposal to make this less of an issue in the Autumn. I think I’ll be working a week on Sunday :slight_smile:


Thanks @JamesBailey, you’ve already got ours for GGCC.

Thinking longer term is there any plan to assign a time-zone/location to each event so that it always stays at the allocated time for that location?

Either that or we all send you panic emails every six months until the end of time!


I think one of the ideas we’re playing with is to give event organisers the ability to move their events back or forwards by an hour during DST times.

Assigning a time zone is a nice idea, but there’s still about 4k or so events weekly to fix.

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That would be helpful. DST changes have been the bane of my vlife for years. It’s especially awkward when a group runs events to suit different time zones.

Changing the event management thingy to allow organizers to set the timezone once and for all would probably been less work overall than even a single round of these one-by-one changes… (See also: Graeber (2018): Bullshit Jobs: a theory.)

Try 3500 of them :slight_smile:

Do you want to drop me a note with which of yours you do/don’t want changing next weekend? (27th)