Elite Direto XR with Zwift Cog and Click

What specific gearing were those workouts done in? 36T or 39T chainring and mid cassette on the back?

34T chainring and mid-cassette, yes. So you’re saying that the 130-140W limitation is dependent on the 42/14 that you were using (obviously limited by the Cog at the rear)?

So the XR-T can’t do low watts at high flywheel rpm ?

I’m trying to get my head around this. A bike calculator says that an avg weight rider in 42/14 at 90rpm is about 21mph. 130 watts though in a 42/14 only goes about 17mph, BUT your cadence would have to drop to about 72rpm. So there’s no way spin at 90 rpm and go any slower than about 21mph on a flat zwift course (at which point you’d be putting out about 240 watts)?

What’s the chainline like on a Zwift Ride? Perhaps putting a regular cassette back on the trainer (assuming there was one before the Cog was put on it), would naturally have the chain on larger rear cog than the 14.

I, too, was able to update my Elite Direto XR to firmware 87. I have the Zwift Play controls with my road bike connected to the trainer- no Zwift COG and Click. Electronic shifting works very well in free ride mode, however I did get some speed dropouts (likely cadence dropouts- the power never dropped out). I have not attempted to use ERG mode yet- I’ll try that this evening. Now that I have electronic shifting and since I just leave my road bike on the trainer 24/7, I don’t feel the need to purchase the Zwift Cog and Click- my setup is a little more versatile where I can mechanically shift if necessary. However, if I want to put my other bike on the trainer, having the Zwift Cog would be much easier.

Cadence doesn’t have any effect on your speed in Zwift - that’s determined by power (and weight, gradient, etc).

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Thanks Steve- wasn’t sure. Odd how power was not affected yet speed dropped to zero for a few seconds. Happened a couple of times during 45 minute session.

That’s odd. Is there a chance that you accidentally hit the brakes when your speed dropped to zero? Or perhaps your controllers are malfunctioning and randomly slamming on the brakes? Look out for the brake light if it happens again, and/or you can try turning off the brakes in the settings.

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I definitely felt the controllers shake during the speed drop- so could have been a braking issue, though I am fairly certain I wasn’t braking- but not 100% sure.

It’s the resistance floor of the trainer. Without any electronic resistance applied to the flywheel, there’s a certain amount of resistance in the system due to the drive wheel/belt/internal pulley wheels/flywheel. Based on my observations this is around 130-140W with the Zwift Ride w/ Cog (42/14, 170mm cranks, 90rpm). And yesterday’s testing with a 19 tooth cog - around 100W at 90rpm.

so maybe it’s a usable setup but needing somewhere in the vicinity of a 25t cog?

I just did the same on my older Elite Direto but shifting does not seem to work. I am really disappointed.

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Have Elite released updated firmware for the Direto? Elite have only published the firmware for the Direto XR (and XR-T) to support virtual shifting (as per their website).

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“updates for Suito(-T), Direto, Direto X, and Direto XR Team coming this spring.”


The zwift cog worked fine before the update, recovery sessions with power <100 watts, no problem, HIT sessions good too. Ithink ive got an elite hardware fault as now its just stuck on nuts watts,power on or off, connected to zwift or myETraining. Ive asked elite if i can roll back the firmware.

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Hello there,
I have issue with COG with my Elite XTR. With ERG mode on with target FTP power output changes +/- 15 watts. I have front gear max and I need to have for example 150watts and it variates til 165. When I shift on lower it gets stable 150, but the issue is with 180-200 watts. I have no idea why it’s like that.
I believe with 150 watts I should already have max from gear.
Any solution?