I know that most of the people speak about the immersive experience of Zwfit, but found that at some points I have a need to ride only against time, or some distance and do other things during the ride. So, it would be great to have an option to ride/run Zwift by using Companion app only.
The mini-map and zoom-in-out options are good enough to see the directions and placement on the map. The tabs inside Companion app are already there with all the needed information. It might be only one small thing missing for the solo ride/run: choosing the route.
It might not be the solution for events or competitions, but for solo ride/run in some cases could be perfect.
Examples of usage:
- solo ride/run, when person prefer just to ride/run without any big screen in-front
- public places like gyms where there is limited equipment, but one could bring his own foot pod and just run by using Companion app on his cell. phone (not all the cell. phones support full Zwift, but most of them support Companion app).