Can't Select the Ride I Want

New user here. I signed up for Back to Fitness Program. But this happened before signing up for the program as well. I have a Kickr v4 paired with my Mac. Not using a phone app. I first pair on the Mac and can see my Kickr. I go to select the Optional FTP Ramp Test. Then I click the orange Workout button. I would expect to be able to start the FTP Ramp Test. But instead I’m brought to the Select a Route screen. I’m not getting to ride the route I selected. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance for your help.

You need to select a route too, thats what this step is asking you for. Choose a route to do the FTP test on.

You select a workout (FTP test) first and have to select the route, too.

As Mike says…

Thanks guys.