Sorry, but I have to disagree. I am 65 (66 soon), can see no discrimination - Watts are Watts, age doesn’t matter for me. Yes, I have no chance to win a race - but it the same irl…
The smaller your wattage target is, the bigger difference the rounding will make. Anyway, something as trivial as this being difficult sounds very Zwiftlike.
Im not sure if its helpful to this thread or not, but I was looking at Jonathan from Trainerroads workout the other day on his Instagram feed (might have been strava) and he was doing a TR workout in Zwift (Coming zoon ) but his power output in erg was odd numbers - He was being asked to hold 197w or something like that. There was no rounding in the workout.
This problem has been solved with the newest update. In my workout I had no rounded watts anymore.
I have the update - and had the rounding today!?! Win 10 PC.
Strange, it wasnt rounded for me and a friend (iPad and Windows PC).
Could you please post a picture of this? And maybe include your given FTP and workout file? We could use it to calculate the steps and compare it to the workout recorded in Zwift itself.
Phased rollout maybe?
Thanks for sharing, could you please take a look into your workout on Strava or platform you connected to check whether the power output correlates with the numbers shown by Zwift?
Was it a private Workout or a workout by Zwift itself?
Sure, it correlates for both of us (friend of mine and for me). It was a private workout for both of us as well.
Looking good, indeed! Haven’t seen that for 3 years!
Though running the update a few minutes ago, my windows machine still rounds the power goals and ignores bias factor.
Let’s hope for the best!
Still rounding to 5 here. It gave the precise watts in the workout preview page but it’s rounded to nearest 5 in game. W11 1.83.2
And arch color for intervals is still broken @shooj @evan-zwift
I’m still on 1.83.0 and got the rounding in the workout screen and also in game on a Win11 machine here.
@Andreas_Wilke Which version do you have?
I had the same. Did the update to 1.82.2 and now its back to rounded watts again.
On Android 1.83.2 I have no rounding and ramps from an workout go up in 1 or 2 watts rather than 5.
Another workout today and no rounding of watts. Strange. Doesnt seem to be related to the update.
Now to also check if the behavior was fixed for ramp segments in a workout. Part of this same issue is that ramps only adjust wattage only every 15 seconds (or more), and then at minimum, by 5w increments.
Instead of adjusting wattage target every second, by whatever watt count makes sense to get from A to B in the allotted time interval – in other words, adjusting in a fashion to make the ramp feel seamless and smooth, instead of jerky and stepped.
Yep, it was also fixed for ramp segments for me. Jumps were 1 or 2W every few seconds.