Bounding Boxes

I was asking a question about a scenario that has yet to be answered. I’m sure other would also like to know.

Alright, here’s my reply to a question that really needs no answer. One, this a REQUEST, placed by a user in the Feature REQUEST topic. If I knew how to implement it, do you think I would be here telling you it needed to be done? No, I would be contacting Zwift about doing it. Two, I’m pretty sure the folks at Zwift, if they did decide to do this, would thoroughly test it before rolling it out to be sure it would actually work without blocking paths. If they could not get it to work, they just wouldn’t do it. Sorry, maybe it’s my background in CAD model building and video game content creation that has gotten me so wondering why people are making this out to he a bigger deal than what it is.

Actually the question did need answering and thank you for providing your answer.

Every request submittted on these forums should get questioned by the users.

With the limited info you gave at the beginning most people are going to think it is a horrible idea, but working through it by asking questions and give opinions things can change.

Telling us it needs to be done? But I thought you said it was a request, not an order.

And, by the way, you are contacting Zwift about it. This is the official channel.

Maybe it’s my more than two decades of playing video games online that makes me think this is a horrible idea. :stuck_out_tongue: FWIW I also have a background in video game content creation. It means nothing.

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Really, what is your background in content creation? I would like to see your work. Made any coin off of it?

No, not paid employment. Mapping.

As I said, it means nothing. “Background in video game content creation” could mean pretty much anything, and be in a completely unrelated gaming field.

Ahh ok. I’ve done the whole shebang - model creation, mapping, animation, limited scripting, etc. People, vehicles, trees, bridges, buildings, everyday objects and the like. I’ve only brought in about $30k over the last couple of years, partnering with a game studio out of London - pocket change, but it’s nice to get paid for a hobby.

Since you asked, here’s a map I made. :stuck_out_tongue:

That one’s a remake of a Quake 2 CTF map using the Quake 4 engine.

But even if I’d make a AAA game and £thousands, it wouldn’t make my opinion any more important than anyone else’s.

Ahh yes. I remember the days making maps for Duke Nukem. Those old engine are so quaint. The last map I created was using the TSX engine in RailSimulator, which looks suspiciousously similar to the engine that Zwift uses. Nowadays though, I prefer Unreal 4, with Blender as my preferred content creation tool.

Doom WADs are where it’s at. :wink:

I dabbled with something. Maya? That was more than a decade ago though, and I didn’t get far. UE4 looks interesting, as does Unity. But I just don’t have the time to dedicate to learning big complex tools these days.


I only see a game, a forum, users and feature requests. Things which makes sense havent been installed ingame as of yet. If you look into feature request section dozen of topics are popping up year by year but nothing. And people in forums pop up who are crying around to all feature requests. Interesting.

So i like the idea. Be warned you will get personal messages soon just because.

In the end its not a game for racers but for couch-potato. Lets hope for the best :smiley:

I think the problem is that the game does start “steering” the rider soon enough. In the real world if we left it as late as Zwift does we’d be crashing into people all the time. I’m sure the algorithm can be tweaked to make moving around a rider smoother; but I guess it’s something to do with the drafting effect. With no steering, the game has to make assumptions about your intentions. If you’re want to tuck in, and it moves you out of the draft that would also be annoying. Sticky draft is already bad enough.

Another angle to this request is the behaviour when cornering in a group. Sometimes you end up on the outside of a group, and can lose a significant amount of ground going around a corner. That effect would also be increased by widening the separation between riders.

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