Blurry and twitchy picture on Apple TV

I have been using zwift on my Apple TV for a few month and love it. The quality of the picture is great, very little glitch nice details etc. However today when I logged in the picture us awful. It’s blurry, uneven, shaky, glitchy, with a white line that travels from the bottom to the top like an old VHS tape. I restarted the Apple TV, updated the software, check if there was any update available for the zwift app (there was not), even uninstall, reinstall the app, and I still have the same issue. I ended up doing my workout on my iPhone mirrored to the Apple TV but the quality is not nearly as good as it used to be on the Apple TV. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I use zwift companion, iPhone, Apple TV, and a kckr snap.

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