Anti sandbagging and other areas that need development and communication


It seems Zwift is focused on not offending anybody ever. Impossible. You can’t please all the people all the time…

Would auto-category assignment offend someone? Very likely. But the current voluntary system is also hurting peoples feelings - with the perfect example case of B Wallsy.

New racers entering the wrong category are a corner case. The majority of the problem are the multiple repeat offenders who knowingly enter lower categories.

Automatic pen placement is needed - and has been for years.

It doesn’t even have to be for every race. Leave “Auto-Cat” as an option for race organizers. Maybe then there is something for everyone.

I do like the idea of a race licensing ride: An FTP test, at the end of which you get a Race License Badge, race entry is “unlocked”, and perhaps a bonus in XP or Drops is awarded.