Agist policy for coffee stops

I wrote this with a tongue in my cheek and at the same time, being an over 60 male and getting a coffee stop in within three minutes is difficult.

How about an age related coffee stop - the older you get, the longer the coffee stop is.

Ride on,


I’m 3065, how long are my coffee stops? :rofl:


How old?!

I’m 65 and never yet used a coffee stop on Zwift, out on the open road that’s different you have to stop for coffee and sausage sandwiches


You’re working down below are outstanding, Martin.

Sausage roll. I noticed this move away from cake/back & egg sarnie a few years ago. Is this a cost thing, or some boffin who has written a paper of the extra watts from a sausage roll?

I must say, a pork pie, I’ve long suspected, if invested by SiS, would be greatest energy bar ever invented - good enough to cause a vegan to falter and it probably takes a Zwift coffee stop to eat one too.

Ride on, with a sausage roll, or two.


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I’ve actually got to the stage where I get up early, go out and do 15 to 20 mile ride and have brunch when I get home

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There are some very good vegan “pork” pies. As a bonus, they have no jelly. =)

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Darren - great to hear from you. A genuine long term Zwifter.


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I tried the coffee stop feature only once to see if I could get off the bike quickly to change Zwift chat settings because someone was ranting away… wasn’t possible.


I thought people only used coffee stops when there was a climb coming, :rofl:


“Coffee climbers”