2 riders same laptop cannot login in to separate accounts??

2 new riders though my wife already had an account.  I did a reinstall of the software and set up my account.  Now when she logins in with her login and password, my icon loads and not hers?  I can not get her profile to load even though I am logging in with her information?


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Les,

Two people should definitely be able to log in to the same machine (though not at once) - it’s how we have our test machines set-up in our office.

You actually don’t need to do a re-install to set up a new account: https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/articles/205139326-Can-I-create-another-user-on-the-same-install-

That being said, as long as you log in with your own information (email address and password), you can log in to *any* machine Zwift is installed on since all your profile data is stored on our server rather than locally.

Quick question: are you logging in to the game and then going to zwift.com? Or logging in separately to each? Because the website and the game each require their own log-in.
